F. HIMMEL, farmer and stock dealer; P.O. Topeka; son of Adam Himmel, who was born in 1803, and came with his family to Illinois in 1848. Being one of the early settlers of this county, he early engaged in improving the raw prairie, and by the assistance of his industrious companion, whose maiden name was Wise, they had gathered a portion of this world's goods ere their allotted threescore years had passed. This accumulation has been handed down to their nine children. They were both church members of the Evangelical Association, in which communion she died in 1866. She was born in 1804, and of course did not reach the allotted span of life, as has her companion who is now 76 years old, with a prospect of adding yet more years to a ripe old age. The subject of this sketch was born April 17, 1851, on a farm in Mason Co., Ill., where he remained with his father, until married, June 6, 1871, to Elmira Yunker, daughter of Lawrence Yunker, of Germany. She was born May 16,1854, and came with her people to Illinois, in 1860; they now live in Peoria Co. After marriage they settled on the old homestead of their father, of 190 acres, half of which he has made by his own labor and management, and the rest was inherited; his aged father, of whom we have spoken, makes his home with him. Their marriage blessed them with four children: Annie, Frank, Liddie and Elmira; he and his wife are members of the Evangelical Church at Bishop's Station, in which association's Sabbath school, he has held the offices of Librarian and Treasurer. Mr. Himmel makes a specialty of shelling corn for the public. He is agent for Smith's American and the Mendota Organ Companies, and takes quite an interest in music, an enthusiasm which began in 1870, during which year, he attended the Northwestern College, at Plainfield, Will Co., Ill.